6th Birthday
I remember the day I turned 6. Well, maybe I remember because there is an actual video that I have seen. I was not happy. Because they woke me up. On my birthday. With a serenade. My dad was a musician. The guitar was there for every birthday.
Now we do the same with our kids minus the guitar.
We had an afternoon birthday celebration so that they would have time to play on the xbox at night with family.
We had Adams favorite request. PIZZA! A Minecraft cake that Casey didn’t want his name on for some reason.

A Shared Birthday
Casey was kind enough to let Adam be born on his birthday! Birth Story with pictures later. Maybe. If I can find them. It was a great birthday celebration! As a happy coincidence Casey’s birthday gift was delivered while we had fun in the sun. Right as we went outside our water slide was delivered. The kids could not get enough of that slide!