Crystal Marie
Mom of 6 📸 Family Photojournalist and 📹Vlogger ☺️
Hello! My name is Crystal Marie. I am a mommy to 6 and I am a multipotentialite! I am indecisive about a lot of things. I doubt myself a lot and consider myself a lazy mommy. Stay a while and get to know me. Who knows, you may learn from my mistakes.
I have been blogging for over 10 years now. Vlogging for over 4 years. I grew up with my parents always journaling, taking pictures and videos. My parents are original vloggers before it was a thing. 😅 This has always been a part of me.
10 Years
The past 10 years I have been building a family with my childhood crush. ❤️ In short, we met when we were 8 at church. Went to homecoming together Junior year, I asked him. Didn’t date or talk after that. In July 2010 I moved to Utah. We are both originally from Texas. A month later he moved to Utah. We realized we were both in the same city and planned a date. We saw each other every single day. 2 months of dating we got engaged. Less than 2 months later we were married.
For 10 years we have been busy building a family. I spent those 10 years pregnant. We have 6 wonderfully wild kids and we miscarried 4, our 5th child had a twin. Before I was married I visited a doctor who helped me become fertile. I had struggles growing up and we didn’t know if I was ever going to be able to have kids. But we are blessed with perfectly imperfect little people. ❤️
I was working on my Associates in Arts but had to leave it on pause with one semester left because I had a different calling that needed me more. I wanted a degree in psychology, photography, film as well as art and or music. When I graduated high school I went straight to cosmetology school the same week and had my license 9 months later. The week I graduated cosmetology school I was hired to work at a kids salon. That’s when I realized I really wanted to be a mom.
Our second son was born with a brain tumor. During that time I was working on my associates and my husband was in his last semester of his bachelors. It was difficult. He graduated later than expected and failed out of his first semester of his masters due to our sons treatment and tough first year of life. That same semester was my last semester I did. I set that aside to be more present and focus on our sons progress and treatment.
That year taught me a lot about my calling in this life. Well… honestly all of my struggles in life have taught me a lot. Life has never been easy for me and I feel like marrying my husband I rubbed off bad luck onto him. 😅 Sorry Love.
Always Changing
These 10 years have changed me and have helped me grow in many ways.
So who am I? 10 years ago I was a different person. There was a time I didn’t want kids or get married and I wanted to pursue music. Today I am a mom of 6, married to the love of my life, and my focus is building traditions with my family.
In 10 years I will be a different person from who I am now. Changing is good. I think back at the many stages of life that I have had and it’s like they are all different women that I could pick up the phone and just have conversations with them. I’d have a few tips to give them.
My Interests
I am a multipotentialite.
I love to play my guitar when I get the chance. I play guitar, piano, flute, and alto sax. I love art especially when I am sitting at the table with my kids using watercolors. For a long time I liked eating only certain foods but now I like trying new things. I’m an adult now. 😳😅 I love all arts and crafts and I keep everything at kids reach for easier access. So they are inspired to craft. ☺️ My favorite college courses were psychology, humanities and geology. Of course my music and voice classes were my favorite too. I love the outdoors, no matter the whether unless it’s extremely hot. And I absolutely love having fun with my kids. They are the people that teach me how to have fun, keep it simple, and enjoy life!