Photography is Important to Kids Too
While I am still trying to figure out exactly what style of editing I like, one thing is for sure. I love family photojournalism.
I love capturing moments that especially have to do with my kids. I believe my kids are the most wonderful gift to have been blessed with. Every single one of them.
When I was pregnant with Eliana and we were on our way to find out the gender I remember saying “I would actually love to be a boys mom as long as I am blessed with one girl the rest can be boys.”
That has changed since then, haha. Our oldest is a girl and the four that followed have been boys. All five kids have been a joy to have so I truly could not say if boys or girls are better, they are all different and wonderful.
I love when they say “Mommy, you need your camera. Take a picture of this…or that …”
I find that photography is just as important to them as it is to me. And trust me when I say, I never say no to a photo op!
Having boys, we have a great collection of cars, especially lighting mcqueen. I used to be that mom that said I wouldn’t have toys especially themed toys or from movies. But I threw a lot of “motherhood perfectionism” out the window after nearly losing a child. That seems to change your perspective.
Gavin, 4, was playing with the lighting mcqueen cars and catapult and he wanted me to capture lighting mcqueen in the air. How could I say no to something that meant so much to him. It was truly fun watching him play and capturing those moments. He was amazed with the photography.
Little people are the best clients. hehe.

I was a little late today but back on schedule tomorrow.