Rainy Days
Growing up rainy days created mixed feelings within me. Watching the water drip down the window was soothing. I could watch it all day.
When there was thunder, I didn’t like that I could feel every sound within my chest. It would create anxiety. Panic attacks.
As a parent, it was painful to watch that my kids “inherited” this “trait”. Not just one of them. For now, at least four of the kids.
Luckily Utah’s rainy days aren’t too bad but that doesn’t mean my child’s struggles are any less significant.
Rainy days in our home start with panic, crying, begging it to stop, begging to close every blind in the house. Running and hiding. Running and nowhere to go. Screaming child, hugging, listening to their concern, calming, carrying a child until they feel safe.
After calming him down, Gavin let us open the blinds for the first time. I was amazed at how calm he was as he watched the rain drip down the window for the very first time. A part of me felt pain because of the pain he feels, but a part of me felt calm as I saw his face light up as he looked outside.
It has been a long road with each child, but when they are able to progress in one way or another, it is such a beautiful sight. There is always a rainbow at the of the storm.

The kids are ready for sister. They have been practicing carrying her with Abram. Of course, Abram has no problem being the guinea pig. Hehe.

When you can’t find the rainbow, do what we do. We create our own rainbow, especially when we need it the most. Figuratively and literally speaking.