The Best Dad in the Galaxy
Let my start off by saying … my game is a little off. hehe. I took a tiny break and it seems like I took it a little too far. Haha.
I am going to skip ahead and get right to Father’s Day.
Father’s are the best! The love that they give is different from a Mother’s love. Sadly, I lost my dad almost two years ago and when I thought I had healed and that it would be easy to celebrate my kids father, it was harder than I thought.
Casey is the father in our house. Not only is he good looking but he is the most amazing dad that my kids could ever have. There is so much of him that reminds me of my dad.

My dad lost jobs because of my moms illness. He never complained about it. He trusted in the Lord and continued to be a great father and husband.
Casey as well has lost jobs because of our sons health, as well as mine. But, mainly our sons. I have never heard him complain. I just watch how he trusts that it will all be better one day and continues to be the best husband and father.

Dear Casey,
This Father’s day I want to say how grateful I am to have you as our children’s father. You have blessed our life in so many ways. The most important thing is that you do the best that you can! No one is perfect but you are perfect in our eyes, especially our kids eyes. I love how their eyes light up when you are in the same room as them. I love that you take care of all things differently accordingly to what they need from you. They way Eliana looks at you reminds me of the same love I felt for my dad. I love watching you wrestling with them or tickling them while respecting their boundaries. The dad jokes that causes Eliana to face palm. That you let Adam stay up late with you just to play video games. That means a lot to him to have that dad time. That you tuck Eliana in at night. That you carry Gavin when he wants to be spider man, or Abram when he wants to copy Gavin. That you sooth Liam no matter if we don’t know why he is crying. The fact that you are there for him, he knows you care enough to just be there for him. When any of the kids get injured you keep your calm and help them feel safe. When you show interest in Adam’s amazing facts (“facts”) or answer their questions. When you show interest and teach the kids to care for nature and our little friends that visit. That as soon as we found out we were pregnant you were excited; and when we found out it was a girl, you were ready to get everything we need to be ready for her. For this, and soooooooooo much more I love you and am grateful every day to have you in our life. I can’t picture any other person being our kids dad. No one like you. No one. We love you and truly believe you are the best dad in the galaxy.

Of course, I don’t get tired of telling you daily how much I love you. How wonderful you are and I couldn’t be happier with anyone else, but the internet has to know too. Haha.
We love you.
For Father’s Day we thought it would be a good idea to attempt getting out of the house. We went to Bridal Veil’s and it was packed.
Only a few of the kids got out and we took some pictures but we kept our distance and just stayed by our car.

We also had a wonderful time at home. The kids were finally introduced to Princess Bride and really liked it. The kids had hand made gifts for dad.

We love you.