The “Secret Room”
Throughout our entire married life. Nearly 10 years. We have had a bed frame only a handful of times. We usually only have them when I am pregnant. I don’t like getting in and out of our bed when it’s low.
Yes all the beds except Liam’s (special needs) are on the floor. No, our kids do not complain. They actually like it that way too.
Recently we got a bed frame. (Marketplace on Facebook is the best for finding really great deals. I buy and resell a lot.)
It has made hide and seek, for the kids, really fun. But now, it’s more like a “secret room.”
I got really scared one time when I couldn’t find Abram. He was under the bed.
My house is always chaotic. There is always laundry to be made, dishes to be washed, toys to clean, but kids will grow. To me, having adventures with my kids are more important.
One day there won’t be much laundry, dishes, or any toys to clean. Those things can wait. Not my kids.