Thoughts of a Special Needs Mom
When you find out you are expecting, no matter if it is your first born or 6th, you don’t think about what your life will be like if you become a mother of a child with special needs. (or parent… dads as well) The biggest concern is usually “Will it be a boy or a girl?”
Sure, people may think about the babies health, but not usually.
I smile a lot. Not just in front of people, in front of my children as well. But, it still hurts that Liam doesn’t get to enjoy the same things that his siblings enjoy.
This picture breaks my heart. Why does this picture break my heart?
Liam is a boy who has behavior problems. I don’t blame him. I would get very angry as well if I wanted to run free. To run in the grass. To throw myself in some water in the middle of the heat. To be able to tell my parents when I was hungry, that I wanted cake … or pudding … or ice cream. To tell them I wanted to watch a certain movie. I would be upset if I wanted to be able to do what my siblings were doing, but my body wasn’t cooperating.
It breaks my heart that in his eyes I can see his desire to be normal for once and be able to join in on the fun.

Never give up buddy. You may not be able to do those things now… or maybe ever. But there are wonderful things that you are doing. You are our greatest teacher in patience, pure love, and the true meaning behind life itself. You are the reason we are fun parents!
You teach us gentle parenting, child led milestones, and to just let loose and be fun!

But we will be behind you and cheering you on in all of your milestones, even if it’s a milestone when you trying running away from home. But, please don’t go. Life wouldn’t be the same without you.